I guess I have to study German for 2 years to become proficient. There's a special school that teaches languages. I'm not sure if the money will be tight and about when I will know but hopefully by Christmas when I get my money. It's 2 nights a week for 2 hours and 15 minutes. The material is a book and 2 CDs. I don't know if you can get ahead also doing online/independent study. It's split up into 6 levels, about 4 months each. They said it's about 4-6 people. They said you learn quickly and speak in full sentences and ask questions, by the 1st day.
I just found there is an intensive program, hope I can afford it. It's 4 days a week for 3 hours each, during the day.
I just have to find out if the classes are stable if they don't have enough people and if they do for the intensive program.
I'm guessing with the intensive program I can learn in 1 year.
The colleges here have either 2 levels of German lasting 1 year or 1 of them has a minor.
I already started studying on my cell and with books. I don't know all the basics, but I know some. Like, I'm lacking in grammar, but English grammar is a strength of mine, according to test scores and some amount and types of evidence.
I took good Spanish for 1 year and actually won the award for it, the highest 100%. I kept up, and it was easy. I didn't learn a lot, though.